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A muse... (Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
The Muse of Love, an interesting being… A friend, an enemy or a lover… For her, inspiration has no bounds. She can give you many ideas or can leave you without. She can make you happy or can let you sad. Even though you won’t recognize, she can make you do anything. She is a cloud, the rain, the sun, the moon, a smile, a child. She is the paint on your brush, the light in a dark closet, the beauty in pain, night overwhelming day. Let her take you away where stars shine and everything is right.
 She can run and disappear just when you need her most. She will be there for you when you start to think everything is ruined. You can not replace your muse. Once you found the one person that doesn’t let you say: ”I can’t”, you can not replace her. After all, she can find and open that door to the unseeing mind She is the reason why you keep writing, painting, the light that can shine in the darkest corners, she’s a hand that stretches to your furthest reaches, she’s a breath of fresh air in a cloud of smog, she’s at night an invisible arm to keep you warm. She flirts, seduces and drives men insane, but she only loves one. Follow her and she will guide you on your way no matter if she is busy or has some time to play. She will help you find new things to say, as she will inspire you in anyway she can. (Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

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Those are her blessings and her curses... Small innocent things that have been with her forever… For her inspirations, you need to have a pure heart, for twisted minds see only the outside beauty and not the inner. But everyone can see her in different ways and everyone can see inspiration in their own way…

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"I’m a mirror. A mirror that does not reflect you, but reflects what you desire to see."
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She represents all muses and yet only one...She will always be the spirit of true love.
Many have failed to see their inspiration in her, but more important is that many have seen it and they have used it well in their poems and theirs songs dedicated to the loved ones.